
Edema is a medical condition characterized by an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the body’s tissues. This results in swelling, typically in the hands, feet, legs, and ankles. However, it can occur in any part of the body, including the lungs, brain, and abdomen.

Edema can be caused by various factors, such as congestive heart failure, kidney disease, liver disease, pregnancy, and some medications. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, treatment, and the importance of wearing correct shoes if suffering from edema.

Causes of Edema

Edema can be caused by various factors, including:

  1. Congestive Heart Failure: Congestive heart failure is a medical condition where the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s demands. This results in a buildup of fluid in the lungs and other parts of the body, including the legs and ankles.
  1. Kidney Disease: The kidneys play a crucial role in maintaining the body’s fluid balance. When the kidneys are damaged, they may not be able to eliminate excess fluid, leading to edema.
  1. Liver Disease: Liver disease can cause edema by disrupting the liver’s ability to produce albumin, a protein that helps regulate fluid balance in the body.
  1. Pregnancy: Pregnancy can cause edema due to hormonal changes and the increased pressure that the growing fetus places on the veins and lymphatic system.
  1. Medications: Certain medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and calcium channel blockers, can cause edema as a side effect.

measuring a swollen footA Close Look at Edema and Foot Health

Edema is a condition characterized by an abnormal accumulation of fluid beneath the skin, leading to swelling. While it can affect any part of the body, it’s particularly common in the legs and feet due to the effects of gravity. People with edema often struggle with discomfort and pain, which can severely affect their mobility.

Choosing the correct footwear is crucial in managing edema. Shoes that are too tight can exacerbate swelling, increase discomfort, and possibly lead to other foot conditions. On the other hand, shoes that are too loose won’t provide the necessary support, which can result in imbalance and increase the risk of falls.

Treatment of Edema

The treatment of edema depends on the underlying cause. Some common treatments include:

  • Diuretics: Diuretics are medications that increase urine output, helping to reduce the amount of fluid in the body.
  • Compression Therapy: Compression therapy involves wearing compression stockings or bandages to help reduce swelling in the legs.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Making lifestyle changes, such as reducing salt intake, losing weight, and exercising, can help to reduce edema in some cases.
  • Surgery: In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove excess fluid from the body.
Popular Men’s Shoe for Edema

Choosing the Correct Shoes – Why It Matters

If you’re dealing with edema, footwear isn’t just about fashion—it’s a key part of your health strategy. The right shoes can make a significant difference in comfort, mobility, and quality of life. Good footwear should offer a combination of comfort, support, and style.

Footwear brands like Propet and Orthofeet excel in these aspects. These brands offer shoes that are specially designed to cater to the needs of people dealing with edema. They combine functionality with style, allowing individuals to manage their condition without sacrificing their personal style.

The Value of the Right Width

Footwear width is an often overlooked but crucial aspect of choosing the correct shoes. For people with edema, it becomes even more significant. The swelling can increase the width of the foot, necessitating shoes with a wider fit. Learn how to properly measure your foot by viewing our How to Properly Measure Shoe Size page.


Edema is a common condition that can occur due to various factors. Seeking medical attention is crucial if you experience persistent swelling or other symptoms of edema. Treatment options vary depending on the underlying cause of the condition and may include medications, lifestyle changes, or surgery. However, it is also important to consider the shoes you wear if you suffer from edema. Properly fitting shoes with good arch support and breathability can help alleviate discomfort and reduce the risk of complications. For help with finding the right shoes for your needs, contact DT Footwear and our team of shoe experts can help you find the right shoe for your needs.

Shoes For Swollen Feet (Edema)

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