
Early Indications of Ill-Fitting Shoes

In this episode of the “Feel the Difference” podcast, Ryan and Ron discuss the topic of proper shoe sizing and the impact it has on foot health. DT Footwear specializes in wide width shoes, addressing the common issue of people wearing shoes that are too small or narrow for their feet. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the conversation, highlighting the signs of ill-fitting shoes and the importance of finding the right shoe size for optimal comfort and foot health.

Ron explains that there are several early indications that a person’s shoes are too small or narrow for their feet. These include:

  • Bunions: A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of the big toe or on the side of the foot. It is caused by increased pressure from ill-fitting shoes, leading to the misalignment of the big toe.
  • Corns: Corns are small, thickened areas of skin that typically develop on or between the toes. They are formed due to continuous rubbing and pressure from tight footwear.
  • Calluses: Calluses are hard, thickened areas of skin that usually develop on the soles of the feet or the sides of the foot. They are a result of friction and pressure caused by inappropriate shoe size.

The Importance of Width and Depth in Shoe Fit

The conversation highlights how lack of width or depth in shoes can contribute to the development of foot problems. Ron emphasizes the crucial need for proper toe box depth and fullness to allow the toes to relax and prevent conditions such as bunions and corns from worsening. In the case of DT Footwear, 90% of their shoes are orthopedic therapeutic, providing adequate depth and width to accommodate various foot conditions.

The Role of Proper Sizing in Preventing Foot Issues

While certain foot conditions like bunions and bunionettes cannot be cured, proper shoe sizing can prevent their progression. Ron recounts an example of a customer who had been wearing size 12 shoes for years, unaware that the narrow fit was causing foot problems. By correctly measuring the width of the customer’s foot, it was determined that he needed a size 10.5 shoe with a wider width. Properly fitting shoes can alleviate foot discomfort, prevent the growth of bunions, and reduce the occurrence of calluses and corns.

Best Selling Wide Width Shoes

Indications of Narrow Shoes

The discussion emphasizes how calluses are often the first indication of wearing shoes that are too narrow. Corns and bunions on the sides of the feet are more severe indicators that immediate action is required. Ignoring these signals can lead to more serious foot conditions and discomfort.

Potential Consequences of Wearing Ill-Fitting Shoes

Ron warns that wearing shoes that are consistently too narrow can lead to serious foot problems. For instance, high-heeled shoes with pointed toes can cause significant stress and pressure on the metatarsal area, resulting in bunion formation and hammer toes. Moreover, redness and the buildup of calluses and corns indicate that the feet are being squeezed, leading to inflammation and the potential for chronic foot pain.

soft measuring tapeHow to Properly Size Your Foot

To determine the correct shoe size, Ron advises using a soft tape measure to measure the foot’s width and length accurately. DT Footwear provides a video tutorial on their website that explains the measuring process step-by-step. By obtaining these measurements, individuals can ensure they select the right shoe size and width. Ron emphasizes the importance of regularly measuring one’s feet, as foot size can change over time.

How DT Footwear Can Help

DT Footwear offers a wide range of shoe styles for both men and women, specializing in wide width options. Their website provides a comprehensive menu that includes different shoe widths to accommodate various foot shapes. Customers can fill out a form or contact Ron directly for assistance in determining the appropriate shoe size. Furthermore, DT Footwear offers affordable prices for their shoes and inserts as they prioritize accessibility and affordability for customers.


Proper shoe sizing is crucial for foot health, comfort, and the prevention of foot problems. Ill-fitting shoes that are too narrow or lack depth can contribute to the development of bunions, corns, calluses, and other foot conditions. Regularly measuring feet and determining the correct shoe size and width, as provided by DT Footwear, can alleviate foot discomfort and prevent the progression of foot problems.

Have Questions?

Reach out and contact a DT Footwear fit specialist for personalized assistance via phone, email or text. Our fitment experts are here to guide you towards achieving Happy Feet. With a variety of footwear options available, stepping into comfort and style has never been easier.

The DT Footwear Guarantee



Disclaimer: Educational Information Only
The information provided here is for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment, including any foot-related concerns. If you have any health issues or questions about your feet, please consult a qualified healthcare professional, like a doctor or podiatrist. Don’t ignore medical advice or delay seeking help based on what you read here or elsewhere. We’re not responsible for any harm caused by using this information. Everyone’s response to treatments can be different, and medical recommendations may change over time. If you experience a medical emergency or serious foot problem, seek immediate medical attention, or call your local emergency services. By using this resource, you agree to these terms and understand the importance of getting personalized medical advice from a qualified professional.

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