
Comfort and support are essential when choosing footwear, particularly if you struggle with foot conditions. The Orthofeet Women’s Leather Delta Boots are one of our best selling wide toe box hiking boots for women.

Designed to with a focus on orthopedic features surrounded by a ruggegged exterior, they are crafted to aid individuals dealing with various foot-related issues, such as plantar fasciitis and arthritis.

Customers have shared a mix of experiences. Many find the boots deliver significant relief and support during activities like hiking and long-distance walking, underscoring their effectiveness for outdoor work and other demanding situations. However, some have mentioned a period of adjustment, and a few noted that the boots did not meet their expectations in terms of comfort or water resistance. It is important to note that only the black version of the boot is waterproof, not the brown version.

The stylish aesthetic combined with the practical design makes these boots an attractive option, but it is crucial to consider how they align with your individual needs and the specifics of your foot condition.

Women's Casual 5" Boot | Delaney Suede by Propet

Women's Casual 5
Introducing the Delaney women's 5" boot by Propet - a perfect blend of style, comfort and affordability.
  • Comfortable and supportive: Scotchgard-treated suede upper with a padded tweed fabric collar provides warmth and comfort.
  • D-ring lace-up: Ensures a secure and adjustable fit.
  • Removable, cushioned EVA insole: Provides shock absorption and can be replaced with orthotics for added support.
  • Durable rubber outsole: Offers good traction on various surfaces, including sidewalks, paved paths, and light snow.
  • Multiple widths: Available in AA to 4E widths to accommodate different foot shapes.
  • Limited arch support: While comfortable, the Delaney might not offer enough arch support for individuals with severe foot conditions.
  • Lacks insulation: While the boot is water-resistant, it might not be warm enough for extremely cold weather conditions.
  • Shaft height: The 5-inch shaft height might not be suitable for everyone, especially those who prefer a taller boot for deeper snow or added support.

Black Suede, Brown, Grey, Navy


6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 11


AA, B, D, 2E, 4E

Bottom Line

The Orthofeet Delta Boots are tailored to enhance foot support and mitigate discomfort for those with challenging conditions. With their purposeful wide toe box design features, these boots could be a sensible addition to your footwear collection.

Interested in giving your feet the care they deserve? Click here to explore the Orthofeet Delta Boots on DT Footwear and see if they’re the right fit for your lifestyle and needs.

Orthofeet Women’s Orthopedic Leather Delta Boots Overview

882_Delta_Brown_LifestyleIf you’re on the lookout for orthopedic boots that offer comfort and style, the Delta Boots by Orthofeet might catch your attention. These boots are designed with a rubber sole providing durability and traction, a key element for stable walking. The wider toe box and extra depth for inserts provide a snug support without being overly restrictive.

Users have noted the beneficial impact these boots have had on their ability to walk, especially those suffering from conditions like plantar fasciitis or arthritis. The overall feedback suggests a comfortable fit and adequate support for activities ranging from hiking to yard work. However, a couple of reviews mention issues such as soreness below the toes and discomfort in the presence of a bunion, signaling that the break-in period may be a factor to consider.

Despite some mixed experiences regarding comfort for specific foot conditions, one common drawback highlighted was the boots’ waterproofing. A few individuals were disappointed when the boots failed to keep their feet dry in wet conditions. It’s also notable that, while many have praised the Delta Boots for their practicality, some have found the aesthetic to be bulkier than preferred.

On the flipside, the Delta Boots have been a game-changer for many, especially for users with challenging foot conditions who now find walking more comfortable. With their origin dating back to 2021, these boots have made a mark, although, like with any product, they might not be the perfect fit for everyone’s needs.

Anatomical Orthotic Insoles

If you’re exploring the Orthofeet Women’s Delta Boots, the insoles they come with are worth examining. Designed to cater to various foot conditions, including plantar fasciitis and diabetes, these insoles are reported to provide significant comfort and support. Users with challenging foot conditions have noted improvements while engaging in activities like hiking and yard work. However, it’s clear that the adaptation period for the insoles varies, with some users requiring time to break them in.

882-BRN_textComfort seems to be a prominent benefit, as several users have described the insoles as more comfortable than other therapeutic shoe brands. They’re also appreciated for their robust support during demanding tasks, which underscores their reliable construction. Conversely, a few users have experienced discomfort, particularly with bunion issues or rubbing below the toes, highlighting that fit can be quite personal and may not suit every foot shape. The waterproof claim of the boots, which is closely related to the insole experience, has also been contested in wet conditions.

Remember, while these insoles have helped many, it’s important to consider that individual experiences may vary due to the uniqueness of each foot.

Waterproof Protection

Investing in a boot that promises to keep your feet dry is crucial, especially if you frequent outdoor activities. These Orthofeet Delta boots are often chosen with the expectation of waterproof capabilities. Summarizing user feedback, there’s a mix of experiences regarding the waterproof feature. Some customers who purchased the boots for yard work and outdoor excursions in wet conditions reported satisfaction with dry feet throughout their activities. However, it’s important to note that other users did encounter disappointment, mentioning that despite being advertised as waterproof, the boots did not hold up in damp environments, leading to wet feet before the day was through. It seems that users did not not that only the black version waterproof, not the brown, so keep this in mind if this is an important feature for you.

Supportive Design for Outdoor Activities

When choosing outdoor footwear, comfort and support are non-negotiable. The Orthofeet Delta Boots are specifically crafted with a focus on stability for various outdoor excursions. Their ankle-high shaft provides a snug fit that supports your joints on uneven terrain. Additionally, the 9-inch shaft circumference caters to a secure feel around your feet.

What the boots offer:

  • Anatomical Support: The design contours to your foot’s natural shape, potentially reducing strain on your legs during long walks.
  • Rubber Sole Durability: Rubber soles provide traction and are durable enough to withstand the wear and tear of outdoor trails.
  • Considerations for comfort: The weight of the boots can be a factor during extended use, as they are relatively hefty at 2.6 pounds.

Although these boots are suitable for outdoor activities, consider the weight and personal comfort with heavier footwear for prolonged wear. The design of the Delta Boots is meant to facilitate movement while protecting your feet, ensuring that you can focus on the journey ahead without foot discomfort holding you back.

Pros and Cons

When considering the Orthofeet Delta Boots for women, the feedback demonstrates a varied experience. It’s important to weigh the positive attributes against the negative to see if they align with your needs.


  • Comfort and Support: Many users express significant improvements in comfort while walking, citing the relief from conditions such as plantar fasciitis and arthritis.
  • Orthopedic Features: The boots are designed with features to address foot-related health issues, offering a more stable and health-conscious choice for individuals with specific foot conditions.
  • Outdoor Suitability: For those working outdoors, the boots offer protection and support, making them a rugged option for activities like hiking and land clearing.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: They attract compliments on style, making them a functional yet attractive footwear choice.


  • Break-in Period: Users have mentioned that there is a break-in period, during which the boots may cause discomfort.
  • Sizing Issues: Some people experience fit issues, such as rubbing against the toes or the need to size up because of wider feet or bunions.
  • Water Resistance: Although advertised as waterproof (black version only), a few reviews indicate that the boots may not hold up in wet conditions, leading to soggy experiences.
  • Bulky Appearance: The boots may appear too bulky or not suit your aesthetic preference if you’re seeking a sleeker look.

In summary, while the boots seem to offer orthopedic support and comfort for several users, you might encounter some downsides, such as a need for a break-in period and potential waterproofing issues. Consider these carefully in light of what you value most in your footwear.

Customer Reviews on Comfort and Utility

After scanning through various customer experiences, it’s evident that comfort levels with the Orthofeet Delta Boots vary. For some, breaking in the boots was necessary, but once accomplished, they offered significant relief and support for conditions such as plantar fasciitis and arthritis. The added stability and comfort proved beneficial for outdoor activities, such as hiking and yard work, specifically highlighting their superior fit and support in comparison with other brands.

However, a few customers found the opposite, mentioning discomfort due to rubbing and soreness near the toes, potentially indicating a mismatch in sizing or a break-in period that didn’t resolve the issue. Bunion discomfort and an overly bulky feel were noted by individuals requiring a more spacious toe box.

Additionally, while the boots claim to be waterproof, some users reported wet feet after exposure to water, suggesting that the waterproofing may not meet the expectations set by the product description. With a general rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars, the consensus acknowledges a mix of satisfaction with room for improvement in specific areas concerning comfort and utility.

Effectiveness for Foot Conditions

When considering a product like the Orthofeet Delta Boots for alleviating foot discomfort, you’ll be interested in how they perform for common foot conditions. Users with plantar fasciitis commend the boots for their support and comfort. In rugged outdoor settings, where additional protection is vital, they seem to offer substantial benefits as well, with users involved in activities like hiking and land clearing noting a positive impact.

On the flip side, there are concerns about the fit for individuals with specific issues like bunions, with reports of discomfort in those areas. There’s also feedback on the Delta Boots not living up to the waterproof claim, which might be a deal-breaker if you’re looking to keep your feet dry in wet conditions. Moreover, if you have sensitive skin or unique fit issues like curled toes, be aware that some users have encountered irritation below the toes, leading to soreness.

In summary, while the boots appear to deliver comfort and aid in managing plantar conditions, their effectiveness might vary based on your foot’s unique needs and the conditions you plan to wear them in.

Final Thoughts

When considering a pair of Orthofeet’s Delta Boots, it’s clear they aim to bring comfort to those with foot-related concerns. Users appreciate the supportive design, which provides relief to conditions like arthritis, plantar fasciitis, and general foot discomfort. The boots also gain favor for their sturdiness and suitability for outdoor tasks, indicating a blend of functionality and comfort.

However, not all experiences have been seamless. Some report issues with the fit, mentioning discomfort near the toes or challenges with bunions. Additionally, the waterproof claim has been contested by an account of soaked feet under wet conditions, suggesting these boots may not be ideal for all weather scenarios.

Overall, you’re looking at footwear crafted with orthopedic needs in mind, yet individual fit and use-case scenarios play a significant role in satisfaction. Consider your specific needs and foot structure carefully before deciding if these boots are the right hiking boot for your needs.

Reach out and contact a DT Footwear fit specialist for personalized assistance via phone, email or text. Our fitment experts are here to guide you towards achieving Happy Feet. With a variety of footwear options available, stepping into comfort and style has never been easier.

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Disclaimer: Educational Information Only

The information provided here is for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment, including any foot-related concerns. If you have any health issues or questions about your feet, please consult a qualified healthcare professional, like a doctor or podiatrist. Don’t ignore medical advice or delay seeking help based on what you read here or elsewhere. We’re not responsible for any harm caused by using this information. Everyone’s response to treatments can be different, and medical recommendations may change over time. If you experience a medical emergency or serious foot problem, seek immediate medical attention, or call your local emergency services. By using this resource, you agree to these terms and understand the importance of getting personalized medical advice from a qualified professional.

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