
Hi, I’m Ron owner and founder of DT Footwear. Today, I’d like to talk about black toe among pickleball players and how to prevent it.

I personally developed black toe while wearing a great name brand shoe while playing pickleball, tennis and walking as well. I ended up losing my right toenail completely. After making a change in the type of shoe I wore while being active, my toenail has come back and healed completely.

The difference was wearing a shoe that had more depth in the toe box giving my toes the wiggle room they needed versus being crammed in and putting undue pressure on the big toenail. Additionally, using a quality insert that come with all of our athletic shoes, helps prevent the foot from moving forward in the shoe during hard stops.

If you are dealing with black toe and looking for a solution, check out the line of pickleball shoes DT Footwear offers that provide the additional room and comfort your feet need.

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